Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Going Rogue

I'm in the mood for some coffee and so I'm staging an e-coup d'etat, temporarily taking command of 'A Cup of Java'.

Many of you, like me, were excited to follow the triumphs and travails of our favorite ex-pat when she left the Land of Liberty for an equatorial archipelago on the other side of the globe.

We were nervous but we were supportive, looking forward to regular glimpses online of my sister's new life as she negotiated language barriers, new customs and new friends so far away from her native Pittsburgh.

But it appears that there's been a flat tire of sorts on the Information Superhighway.

It's been sad for some of us (Padma Aunty, CindyK); rage-inducing for others (Mom) -- coming to work, making a hot cup of java, if you will, and then looking for more...only to be greeted by "Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bantin" dated October 20 for weeks on end.

In my sister's defense, I suspect it is hard to post. And we want her in Indonesia having actual experiences. Not having experiences looking for Internet cafes from which to blog.

But we miss her. And while it may be hard, I'm curious as to how hard. And so, on behalf of her loyal readership, I'm going to Indonesia to find out.



Christina said...

Yea!! I can't wait to hear the stories! :)

CindyK said...

You go girl and bring us back all the scoop. Oh, and tell Rashi we love her in spite of no blogging but a full report, with visuals, will be expected on her return! (But truth be told, I can't be too upset because I have a son who has traveled out of country twice and I have yet to see any pictures!)